Sunday, May 9, 2010

Well, This Will Be Awkward In The Future

Hey Doo-bly-doos.

Apparently Maddy Kays likes me.

And I really don't know what to feel about this.

I mean, she's pretty cool, I guess. I don't really know her too well, but then again, do I really know anyone in Drama 1-2 that well?
But there's the fact that I kind-of like Abby right now, which is a problem.

And the fact the last time someone liked me, which was in 6th and 7th grade, I didn't reciprocate and avoided her for most of the rest of Middle School. Which was awkward and I wish I could have taken it better, but hey, I don't know anything about this liking other people process.

Plus the fact that I'm not really into her, I guess. Which is something that you need, as I have heard from various sources.
But I'm also flattered that she laid herself out there, put herself on the line. Which is something that I can't do. There are those who would probably say, me among them, that she's a stronger person than I am.

But the fact that she did open herself wide leaves us with the unenviable position of having to talk about it, something that I don't relish, and will potentially be quite awkward in the future.

My only consolation is that I'm a better, wiser, and a much more mature and funnier person then I was when I was in 6th grade. And I hope to god it helps me here.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Half a Day Off School


We get half a day off school because OTHER people are doing work that we don't have to do?

Well, that's excellent!

What am I gonna do tomorrow? I think I'll run or read or relax or do something on the guitar or som-


I gots to do homework.

Why, homework, do you always have to ruin everything that's good?

Friday, April 9, 2010

A Brain-a-louge

What's this lying on the side of the road?

Disjointed, disquieted, writhing, screeching, pained.

And there go all the cars. Whizzing by an hour, half an hour, a minute too fast for the rest of the lives on this world.

Where goes the disquiet? Where goes the lost? Each hour upon the bulwarks on the earth, risen, rising, drifted upon the broken shattered waters of this discomfort. My words are lost in the blazes, in the miraculous, in the quiet dells and dips of an average humdrum living style, where I sit and ponder upon my decisions whether real or imagined.

Lost are those who don't see the beauty in the flight, who don't see the running as well as the escape and the follow through and the relentless racing, racing past the obstacles and through the illusions and above the adversaries, the adversaries, oh the adversaries great, settling upon the fact that life lives upon each leaf, each quiet, broken item on the side of the road.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Hey y'm rascals!

I'm really enjoying VEDA this year, even if my videos aren't getting all the recognition that I hoped they would have gotten. But still, it's nice to hone in on your vlogging skills, even if I only do it for 1:08 at a time.

In other words, watch my videos and be pleasantly surprised.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Film Fest & ODS

Well. That went well.

Despite all of my misgivings, the Film Fest tonight went remarkably well.
And people liked my movie, despite its flaws. Huzzah!

"Jake's cool. But his movie was deep."
"Did you use an echo for your voice?"
"Jake, if they do a movie about my life, can you narrate it?"
"It reminded me of Trees in the Wind."
"I didn't understand it."

High praise. Especially from the Seniors.

And ODS is tomorrow! Which means I have to pack RIGHT NOW!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Andres & Fiona


Andres and Fiona?

I was not expecting that at all.
That was totally out of the blue and left field.
I mean, what?
I guess I just don't know enough about Fiona, man.
Gotta get on top of these things.

Oh, and find a girlfriend as well.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

TCL Preview Today

I'm just glad I get the chance to do this stuff.